Dream On Layla, part 5

Lost and Found

Layla felt the panic choke her.
She had known Ty in a little less than one day, but she could already feel the lonliness when he wasnt there.
She stepped out of the tent on wobbly legs, the night had been very uncomfortable.
She scanned the place, trying to maybe find Ty sitting on his bike waiting for her to wake up.
But there was no bike, and no Ty.
"Where could he be?" she thought while walking around "he could atleast have told me goodbye...."
She sat down on the grass and started to cry.
She heard footsteps.
"Is it me you're looking for?"
She looked up.
"I thought you where gone..."
Ty laughed and smiled that smile she loved.
"Naa.. I just had to put some gasoline in the tank."
"But why didnt I hear you coming with the bike?"
Layla looked a bit confused, coz she was quite sure that she would have heard him if he had the bike.
"I had to leave it on the gas station, its just a fifteen minutes walk away from here."
"Oh, well then we better take down the tent and get going"
Ty nodded and they started to pack.

Half an hour later they where ready to go.
When they arrived at the gas station the bike was ready.
"Okey, we better go." said Ty "I want to get to Richmond as soon as possible"
"I heard they have a really nice cheap motel there. And I thought it would be nice to sleep somewhere else." he laughed "I heard you last night... The tent wasnt that comferteble, right?"
She laughed too.
"Haha! Not really"

They hopped on the bike and they were off again.

The ride was longer then Layla thought it would be.
Richmond wasnt that far away? Or was it?
They only stoped a few times on the way.

When they finally got to Richmond it was late, really late.
The sky was filled with beautiful shining stars, and a huge moon.
"Its beautiful..." Layla whispered.
Ty didnt hear her.
"Tired?" he asked.
Layla yawned.
"Naa...." She yawned again "Not tha much..."
"Haha, you cant fool me!" he laughed "Lets go in and see if they have any free rooms"
They went inside, and Layla looked all over.
It was a nice place, just as Ty said.
"One room with two beds, please" Ty said to the receptionist.
"One second" the receptionist said.
The receptionist who was a young dark-haired woman looked at the computer screen.
She looked up.
"Im sorry, theres only one room left, and thats with a double bed."
Her eyes went from Ty to Layla, and then back to Ty.
"You are not together"
It wasnt a quiestion, it was a conclusion.
Layla and Ty looked at eachother and both blushed.
Ty smiled a bit.
"Umm.. No.. Not really..."
Layla panicked.
She didnt want to spend the whole night in that tent again.
"We'll take it!"
Both the receptionist and Ty looked at her with a confused look.
"W-what I meant was... Umm... That its.. its really dark outside... And.. Umm... its cold too.. sooo.... We could stay here one night and maybe try to find something else tomorrow?"
Layla immediately regretted that she had even opened her mouth.
Both the receptionist and Ty looked a bit confused.
She looked at Ty with eyes that begged "Please?"
Ty quickly made up hid mind.
"Okey, we take it"
Layla smiled and whispered:
"Thank you..."
Ty smiled too.
"I remeber you said something about the tent was a little bit uncomforteble..."
"Yeah" she laughed " My back still hurts"
"I can sleep on the floor if you want?"
"Nooo.. dont do that. The bed is for both of us" Layla said "Just dont try to do anything..."
Ty laughed.
"Thanks.. I promise I wont do anything"

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